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Dental consultation

Consultatie Stomatologica

Consultation is the first contact you have with dental office.

Consultation involves an evaluation of your dental health status made by a particular protocol:

  • will be drawn a dental chart that are marked all data on dental and periodontal status at the time of presentation
  • the file will also record data about your general health status, treatments that follow, and a brief history of dental diseases
  • also involve a short consultation on the modalities of dental hygiene information on who should use them, and an evaluation of the dental hygiene
  • if the situation requires dental arches will mark the purpose of making dental study models
  • setting dental treatment plan
  • prepare a file on the cost of treatment to be performed(detailed for each procedure to be performed)
  • if required emergency treatment it will be on your first visit made in the same session with consultation.
  • if necessary we will recommend further investigations eg. radiography
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Dental care

Terapie Odontala

Odontoterapia (dental therapy) is treatment of dental caries.

Your dentist will determine the degree of damage of tooth decay and will recommend the most effective treatment for your dental injury.

Most often developing cavities are on chewing surfaces of teeth, grooves and fosetele teeth, but sometimes occur in less visible areas of teeth, namely the contact points between teeth.

You are normally required to attend a dental check 2 times per year. Only in this way the early stage caries lesions can be discovered. Detection of dental caries in the early stages of processing guarantees treatment. The more damage is discovered early carious the best chances you keep your tooth vital.

If you have not submitted to the doctor regularly,come as soon as you notice a color change on the surface at the first sign of tooth or tooth sensitivity.

Our dental office offers a wide range of materials used to treat cavities,aiming to achieve a durable long-term treatment, as well as physiognomic. Appearance is very important for our patients.

Materials used in our clinic are some of the new emerging in dentistry allow us to offer a guarantee on all crown restorations (fillings) for a minimum of two years.

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Successful treatment of a tooth consists mostly in fair treatment of that tooth root.

For long-term treatment resistant rotary needles are used which allow a significant enlargement of root canals in helping to remove all their content.

Root canal is another important stage for successful endodontic treatment. In our dental office we are using several techniques of root fillings in teeth.

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Any lost or broken teeth must be restored so as to be identical to the form's page.

Prosthetic means replacement of the missing teeth and also restores the crowns of the highly damaged by caries.

Without such treatment the mastication is affected, leading to long-term overall health. In addition postponement of such treatment will involve more teeth in the final restoration,because neighboring teeth on dental arch space change their position (migrate).

In our dental office you will find many and modern prosthetic (ceramic crowns, bridges, dentures skeleton, inlays, etc.) materials used are best quality.

The aim of treatment is to restore aesthetic teeth but also to restore the patient's chewing and sometimes vocal tract, which sometimes are lost by lack of teeth.

Full ceramic crowns and ceramic crowns on zirconium support.

For exceptional aesthetic demands we perform ceramic crowns or zirconium support full ceramic crowns. This way you won't have problems with changing color of gum ,witch happens sometimes in metal-ceramic crowns. Teeth will have translucency of natural teeth.

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Dento-alveolar Surgery

Chirurgie dento-alveolara

Our dental office offers dental alveolar surgery services starting with the simplest procedure, dental extraction and more complicated surgical maneuvers,apical resections , regularization of alveolar ridge.

All these procedures are carried out using the highest quality anesthesia allowing that all surgical procedures without any pain.

Later treatments are informed and guided to that will solve the extracted tooth absence.

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Periodontal disease affects more and more patients.

Identifying the disease and treating it will lead to long-term preservation of teeth ensuring them a healthy supporting tissue.

The first symptoms of periodontal disease is caused by bleeding gum,that appears at tooth brushing then it can occur spontaneously. At this point it takes a first step in treating periodontal disease beginning to settle, namely a scaling.

Scaling is made ultrasonic,is a completely painless procedure and should be repeated every 6 months.

If periodontal disease is installed treatments can be complex,surgical,which can improve bone status and also the gum,reduceing tooth mobility:flap surgery, scaling curettages.

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The implant allows a new tree for your lost tooth.

Implants are recommended for patients who have lost one or more teeth, totally edentulous patients to help stabilize total prosthesis. Implants are ideal for patients who have accidentally lost teeth.

Treatment with implant comprises two stages:

  • first step is the surgical implant that is inserted in place of tooth absence
  • following that in the second stage of treatment to fix the new tooth

Stage implant surgery consists of inserting the implant in jaw bone or mandibular under local anesthesia. Patient follows than a local and general inflammatory treatment and the following days must come to control. And then after 10 days to remove sutures wires. The implant is made of titanium,double sterilized,with a specially treated surface to facilitate a faster osteointegration.

After this surgery phase a healing period is followed which takes on average 3-4 months and then proceeding to the next stage of work.

Prosthetic step refers to the restoration of tooth on the implant. At this stage implant is fixed in a pivotal,also made by titanium,same as the implant, and over it we realize that tooth crown.

Can not be treated by involves the following patients:

  • Children, throughout their growing period
  • Adults who have serious health problems(blood diseases, bone diseases, osteoporosis, severe uncompensated heart diseases)
  • Drug dependent patients.

Smokers represent a relative contraindication , namely it is recommended to reduce the number of cigarettes per day.

Patients treated with implants are to be submitted periodically to check for prophylactic treatment.

Sometimes in order to insert an implant is needed additional surgery to improve quantity and quality of the bone,eg lifting the maxillary sinus when maxillary sinus is well represented and bone ridge height is too small for inserting the implant.

The surgeon will inform you about the need for such interventions. In this case the treatment period changes.

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Our practice offers treatment for children,dental health care for children being a priority of our dental office.

Children between 6-12 years shows a mixed dentition(milk teeth and permanent teeth),period in which they can develop many dental caries. In addition to this age children are not brushing teeth properly, in conditions in which the consumption of sweets and sweetened juice is high enough. Your child's teeth have a large pulp chamber so the nerve is close to tooth surface,apparent reason why a small cavity can evolve very quickly leading to loss of nerve.

Therefore it is important to bring your children to dental control even if you do not see different stain teeth or notice other signs of dental pain.

Temporary teeth (milk teeth) should not be neglected, even if they will change they must be treated.

Children predisposed to dental cavities are eligible for permanent sealing of the permanent teeth. This is how permanent teeth are protected especially during the time they are in the mouth with temporary teeth.

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Visiting the dentist 2 times a year will help you maintain a good dental health.

Scaling and professional cleaning is required at least once a year for adult patients.

Children can benefit from local fluoridation, sealing of permanent teeth.

Our dental office provides information on the necessity of such treatments. We call and recommend you that it is time to return to office for a dental scaling or a professional cleaning. This way you keep your teeth and gums in good condition.

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Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetica dentara

Teeth whitening treatment is the most commonly requested cosmetic dentistry.

Professional whitening is removing existing teeth stains. Smoking patients or those with discoloration caused by drugs are eligible for this treatment also.

Teeth whitening is not affecting tooth structure or their resistance and it s made with trays. Treatment for whitening is done in our dental office. Teeth turn white 14 shades and the result hold time.

Dental tattoos are those little gems that stick to tooth surfaces. There is a huge range of such jewelry. Teeth are not affected by the application of such jewelry.

We offer 3 years warranty for any kind of applied dental jewelry.

In special cases that require special treatment for your teeth cosmetic dentistry ,ceramic crowns can be made so by color and shape to bring you one physiognomic smile.